GAM Investments does not partake in cold calling or send unsolicited messages or emails to clients or members of the general public. GAM only contacts people from official e-mail addresses and does not use whatsapp to solicit investment from members of the general public.
Ensure you are confident of the identity of the caller. Don’t reveal personal or confidential information unless you know the other party and know the process is secure. If any suspicions are raised, hang up the phone and contact the company back with details specified on the company’s official website or on the local regulatory body’s website.
Be careful of emails from unknown parties particularly when they are trying to sell you a product or service. If you do not believe the email comes from a legitimate source then delete these emails and avoid clicking on attachments and links.
Keep financial documents and records in a safe place at home. Shred old documents, statements and communications detailing personal information to prevent fraudsters getting hold of your data.
GAM has recently been made aware of fraudulent solicitations by several parties attempting to offer financial services on behalf of GAM. These individuals and entities are named:
Zhong Piaoyang and Dom Vincent and use the email addresses ( and along with a USA telephone number (212-461-0581) and the GAM Investments logo. In addition, Mr Zhong claims to be a director of the GAM Hong Kong office and claims to have links to other GAM Asia domiciled offices.
Aldo Meroni - using the email address along with a USA telephone number (212-461-0581) and the GAM Investments logo.
MSP Limited - use the GAM Investments Logo in documents provided to third parties and falsely claim to be owned and operated by GAM Investments in an attempt to create legitimacy.
GT Latam - claim to be part of an entity named Global Asset Management and are using the GAM USA INC NFA regulated ID number: 0232150
GAM Stock Investment Management Community – a group chat set up on the LINE social media app with the intention of deceiving investors (mostly from China and Japan) into investing into non-existent GAM funds by using the likeness of an entrepreneur named Yusaku Maezawa.
Steve Paul Lawrence – using the email address ( along with telephone number (44 7537 133 727) and GAM Investment logo. In addition, Steve Lawrence claims to be a financial advisor of the GAM London office.
These solicitations are fraudulent, and these individuals and entity have no connection to GAM.
If you are contacted by any of the above individuals or companies then please hang up the call or delete the email. Please contact us via email at if you have any concerns about activity purporting to be from GAM.
GAM Investments does not partake in cold calling or send unsolicited messages or emails to clients or members of the general public. GAM only contacts people from official e-mail addresses.