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Christian Munafo

Christian Munafo - Directeur des investissements, Liberty Street Advisors, Inc

Christian a plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans le secteur de la finance, dont la majeure partie a été consacrée à des investissements secondaires impliquant des entreprises et des fonds financés par le capital-risque et des entreprises de croissance.

Avant de rejoindre l'équipe de gestion des investissements de Private Shares Fund et Liberty Street Advisors, Inc. Christian était co-responsable du Global Private Equity Secondaries Practice chez HQ Capital. Auparavant, il était responsable des fonds secondaires chez Thomas Weisel Partners. Christian est titulaire d'une licence en économie et en finance du Rutgers College.

Christian Munafo

Mon avis

Outlook 2025
Private companies driving innovation and disruption
December 2024

PRIVATE SHARES: “We believe clients can achieve proper diversification through growth areas like late-stage private innovation companies.”

The Private Innovation Economy
25 June 2024

Given the shift of capital from public to private markets, and the trend of high-growth companies staying private longer, Liberty Street Advisors’ Christian Munafo explains how investors can tap into these dynamic, innovative and revenue-rich late-stage US businesses during their most exciting development phases.

My Awards

GAM’s Private Shares strategy named Emerging Fund of the year by Financial Newswire/SQM Research in Australia
September 2023

GAM’s Private Shares Strategy, managed by our partner firm Liberty Street Advisors, was named Emerging Fund of the Year at The Financial Newswire/SQM Research 2023 Fund Manager of the Year Awards. The awards seek to identify the best of the best among fund managers available in Australia across 18 investment categories.

Click here to see the full list of winners.