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Sede legale:

GAM London Limited,
8 Finsbury Circus
London EC2M 7GB

T: +44 (0) 20 7493 9990

F: +44 (0) 20 7493 0715


Sede legale:

GAM Investments (Australia) Pty Ltd
Level 39, 225 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000

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T: +61 (2) 9135 3922

Distribution Client Team

Sede legale:

GAM (Luxembourg) S.A. - Zweigniederlassung Deutschland
Bockenheimer Landstraße 51-53
60325 Frankfurt am Main Germany

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T: +49 69 50 50 50 0

Distribution Client Team

Sede legale:

GAM Japan Limited
5F, JA Building
1-3-1 Otemachi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-6805

T: +81 (0) 3 6705 2920

Distribution Client Team

Sun Hung Kai Capital Partners Ltd.
40/F., Lee Garden One, 33 Hysan Avenue,
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

According to the new alliance effective on 1 August 2024, Sun Hung Kai Capital Partners Limited will be distributing and servicing GAM’s funds across Greater China (Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan and Macau).

More about Sun Hung Kai Capital Partners:

T: +852 3748 2888

F: +852 3748 2877


Sede legale:

Apex Fund Services (Ireland) Limited
Percy Exchange
8/34 Percy Place Dublin, D04 P5K3

T: +353 (0) 1 609 3927

F: +353 (0) 1 633 5088


Sede legale:

GAM (Italia) SGR S.p.A.
Via Duccio di Boninsegna, 10
20145 Milan

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T: +39 02 3660 4900

Sede legale:

GAM (Luxembourg) S.A.
Grand-Rue 25
1661 Luxembourg

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T: +352 26 48 44 01

Sede legale:

GAM London Limited
8 Finsbury Circus
London EC2M 7GB

Client Team

Sede legale:

GAM London Limited
8 Finsbury Circus
London EC2M 7GB

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T: +44 (0) 20 7493 9990

F: +44 (0) 20 7493 0715

Distribution Client Team

Sede legale:

GAM Investments (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Level 11, Tower 1, Marina Bay Financial Centre
8 Marina Blvd, 018981, Singapore

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T: +65 6653 4203

Distribution Client Team

Sede legale:

GAM (Luxembourg) S.A.
C/ Velazquez 47, 8ª Planta
28001 Madrid

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T: +34 91 140 07 14

Distribution Client Team

Sede legale:

600 Fifth Avenue
Suite 200 New York NY 10020 USA

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T: +1 212 407 4600

F: +1 212 407 4684

Altre sedi:

1001 Brickell Bay Drive
Suite 2736 Miami Florida 33131 USA

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Retail Distributors team

Wholesale & Institutional team

Sede legale:

GAM (Luxembourg) S.A – Sweden Branch
Strandvägen 7A
11456 Stockholm

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T: +46 8 519 938 71

Sede legale:

GAM Holding AG GAM Investment Management (Switzerland) AG
Hardstrasse 201
8037 Zurich

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T: +41 (0) 58 426 30 30

F: +41 (0) 58 426 30 31

Altre sedi:

GAM Investment Management (Switzerland) AG
Route de Florissant 13
1206 Geneva

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T: +41 (0) 58 426 65 00

Retail Distributors team

Wholesale & Institutional team

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